Press the CTRL switch so the led in the switch is on and the display print “Command Mode”. The PCB seen from bottom side with out the Meduino mounted. There are isolated outputs to station PTT, CW TX signal and a speaker output. There are input for keyer (paddle etc.), PS2 keyboard , LF from your rig to the decoder AGC controlled unit on the PCB and power supply. The keyer is build on one PCB which connect to an Arduino “Meduinio” mega 2560 and a 4×20 OLED display. The Ham Keyer is a multi mode CW keyer and decoder build on the K3NG platform and enhanced by OZ1JHM and OZ2ELA for further multifunction modes. The advanced CW user that wants a keyer with direct keyboard access and which function automatic with his contest programs on his PC. The intermediate CW user who want a CW keyer that works with the computer, have a built in fully functional decoder and a keyboard port for use instead of the CW keyer. The beginner who wants to learn, train and decode CW due to build in CW trainer and decoder and all is displayed on the keyer. This is the ultimate multifunction keyer for: