The ultimate measure of a man speech meaning
The ultimate measure of a man speech meaning

Remember that time in 2020 when Joe Biden finished 4th in the New Hampshire primary? If he accepted that loss as an unchangeable indicator of his political fortunes, he would have quit. And let’s please remind ourselves that polls are not elections, that candidates can (and do) change political momentum. So, without repeating the headlines and stories that many readers have forwarded to me over the weekend, let simply say, “ No ,” America is not on the brink of the “ unthinkable ,” it has not “ just lost 20,” we did not just witness the “ death of democracy, ” nor will we witness it in 2022 if Republicans take back Congress. I will not repeat them (or link to them), but I will note that anytime a headline writer resorts to 72-point font in ALL CAPS, you can be certain that they are exploiting bad news to boost revenue. The headlines over the weekend were absurd and insulting to the millions of Americans who aren’t giving up because of a temporary setback. Some have already fallen short, panicking and predicting doom to anyone who will listen. The apparent failure to pass voting rights legislation has been the biggest disappointment of Biden’s first year in office. King’s observation about the measure of a man was an exhortation to rise above disappointment and defeat. What will we do? Will we surrender to predictions of disaster? Will our spirit break because of the moral failures and lack of integrity of some among us? Will we discourage others with our self-pity-or will we inspire them with our determination in the face of defeat? Our actions over the next four years will inscribe our answers to those questions in the archives of American history.ĭr. King during times of challenge and controversy. We are called to continue the work of Dr. Amidst that turmoil, it is difficult to see the path forward and discern the timeline to ultimate victory-a state of affairs that is anxiety producing, at the very least. We have endured five years of unsettling political turmoil and may experience a decade more. He was only 39-years old when he died, but his influence will shape America for centuries to come. King’s insight into the “ultimate measure of a man” was born of a lifetime spent in challenge and controversy.

the ultimate measure of a man speech meaning

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.ĭr.

the ultimate measure of a man speech meaning

One seems apt on the week that the Senate will fail to pass voting rights protections that were at the core of Dr. includes inscriptions of his most powerful statements.

the ultimate measure of a man speech meaning

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s monument in Washington D.C.

The ultimate measure of a man speech meaning